In this section, we provide you information regarding the Canadian automatic packet reporting systems. It's definition, development history, to the list of areas of equipment research within APRS and a non-exhaustive list of applications where APRS is used. Also, about the work behind the progress of the APRS and ametuer radios.
This section provides information about the efforts being made by WCARC to obtain low-cost GPS and how it resulted in tracker introduction. Describing blind-trackers and the reasons why and how they cause channel congestion and what can be done to reduce these congestions.
This section we discuss how MIM can adapt to work with a radio to insert your APRS burst at the end of your broadcasts. The related costs and how the system can be equipped to reduce the cost while converting to Canadian currency. It also introduces the repeater how it needs to be equipped to receive the APRS packets and communicates with the APRS channel by either direct wiring or via a common low power APRS station co-located with the repeater.